Results for 'William Henry Scott'

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  1. Consciousness and self-consciousness.William Henry Scott - 1918 - Philosophical Review 27 (1):1-20.
  2. Oxford Lectures on Philosophy, 1910-1923.William Bateson, Edwin Sidney Hartland, Henry Scott Holland, Harold H. Joachim & Bertrand Russell - 1908 - Clarendon Press.
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  3. Henry of Ghent on Real Relations and the Trinity: The Case for Numerical Sameness Without Identity.Scott M. Williams - 2012 - Recherches de Theologie Et Philosophie Medievales 79 (1):109-148.
    I argue that there is a hitherto unrecognized connection between Henry of Ghent’s general theory of real relations and his Trinitarian theology, namely the notion of numerical sameness without identity. A real relation (relatio) is numerically the same thing (res) as its absolute (non-relative) foundation, without being identical to its foundation. This not only holds for creaturely real relations but also for the divine persons’ distinguishing real relations. A divine person who is constituted by a real relation (relatio) and (...)
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  4. Augustine, Thomas Aquinas, Henry of Ghent, and John Duns Scotus: On the Theology of the Father's Intellectual Generation of the Word.Scott M. Williams - 2010 - Recherches de Theologie Et Philosophie Medievales 77 (1):35-81.
    There are two general routes that Augustine suggests in De Trinitate, XV, 14-16, 23-25, for a psychological account of the Father's intellectual generation of the Word. Thomas Aquinas and Henry of Ghent, in their own ways, follow the first route; John Duns Scotus follows the second. Aquinas, Henry, and Scotus's psychological accounts entail different theological opinions. For example, Aquinas (but neither Henry nor Scotus) thinks that the Father needs the Word to know the divine essence. If we (...)
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  5. Persons in Patristic and Medieval Christian Theology.Scott M. Williams - 2019 - In Antonia LoLordo, Persons: a history of the concept. New York: Oxford University Press.
    Introduction: -/- It is likely that Boethius (480-524ce) inaugurates, in Latin Christian theology, the consideration of personhood as such. In the Treatise Against Eutyches and Nestorius Boethius gives a well-known definition of personhood according to genus and difference(s): a person is an individual substance of a rational nature. Personhood is predicated only of individual rational substances. This chapter situates Boethius in relation to significant Christian theologians before and after him, and the way in which his definition of personhood is a (...)
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  6. "A Woman's Thought Runs Before Her Actions": Vows as Speech Acts in As You Like It.William O. Scott - 2006 - Philosophy and Literature 30 (2):528-539.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:"A Woman's Thought Runs Before Her Actions":Vows as Speech Acts in As You Like ItWilliam O. ScottAbout a decade ago Susanne Wofford discussed As You Like It from the viewpoint that Rosalind uses a "proxy," her guise as Ganymede, in uttering "the performative language necessary to accomplish deeds such as marriage." 1 Thus Wofford complicated and qualified the success-oriented assumptions about performative usage of language as envisioned in Austin's (...)
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  7. Was William James an Evidentialist?Henry Jackman - 2022 - Southwest Philosophy Review 38 (1):81-90.
    William James has traditionally been seen as a critic of evidentialism, with his claim that “Our passional nature not only lawfully may, but must, decide an option between propositions, whenever it is a genuine option that cannot by its nature be decided on intellectual grounds” being understood as saying that in certain cases we have the right to believe beyond what is certified by the evidence. However, there is an alternate, “expansive”, reading of James (defended most recently by Cheryl (...)
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    A handmade life: in search of simplicity.William S. Coperthwaite - 2002 - White River Junction, Vt.: Chelsea Green. Edited by Peter Forbes.
    William Coperthwaite is a teacher, builder, designer, and writer who for many years has explored the possibilities of true simplicity on a homestead on the north coast of Maine. In the spirit of Henry David Thoreau, Emily Dickinson, and Helen and Scott Nearing, Coperthwaite has fashioned a livelihood of integrity and completeness—buying almost nothing, providing for his own needs, and serving as a guide and companion to hundreds of apprentices drawn to his unique way of being. A (...)
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    PC wars: politics and theory in the academy.Jeffrey Williams (ed.) - 1995 - New York: Routledge.
    PC Wars: Politics and Theory in the Academy addresses the very issue of political correctness and the current skirmishes in the culture wars. It includes statements from many of our leading contemporary public intellectuals, including Joan Wallach Scott, Michael Be;rube;, Bruce Robbins, Henry Giroux, and Gerald Graff. The collection marks a watershed in the debate about "pc" in that it presents serious considerations and analyses of the factors, causes, and consequences of the culture wars. Carefully examining the construction (...)
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  10. Kant's criticism of metaphysics.William Henry Walsh - 1975 - Edinburgh: University Press.
    So much for the Aesthetic. We can now proceed to the Analytic, the philosophical importance of which is much greater. Kant's main contentions in this part of his work can be summed up in; two propositions: human understanding contains certain a priori concepts, and on these are based certain non-empirical principles; these concepts are only general concepts of a phenomenal object, and therefore the principles in question are only prescriptive to sense-experience. As has already been said, interest in the first (...)
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    The Works of William H. Beveridge.William Henry Beveridge - 2014 - Routledge.
    William Beveridge was a key figure in the modernization of British economic and social policy who published widely on unemployment and social security. Among his most notable works and reprinted in this set are, _Full Employment in a Free Society _, and _Pillars of Security_. Beveridge’s Report on social insurance was published in 1942. It proposed that all people of working age should pay a weekly national insurance contribution. In return, benefits would be paid to people who were sick, (...)
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    Seven theses of logical positivism critically examined II.William Henry Werkmeister - 1937 - Philosophical Review 46 (4):357-376.
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  13. Logic for Living.Henry Horace Williams - 1954 - Philosophy of Science 21 (3):269-270.
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    Philosophy of history: an introduction.William Henry Walsh - 1967 - New York: Harper & Row.
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    Reason and experience.William Henry Walsh - 1947 - Oxford,: Clarendon Press.
  16.  14
    An Introduction to the Philosophy of Herbert Spencer.William Henry Hudson - 2013 - New York,: Budge Press.
    This early work by William Henry Hudson was originally published in 1894 and we are now republishing it. 'An Introduction to the Philosophy of Herbert Spencer' is a book that examines Spencer's ethics, sociology, and synthetic philosophy. Herbert Spencer was born on 27th April 1820, in Derby, England. In 1851 he published 'Social Statics' to great acclaim and his quietly influential 'Principles of Psychology' in 1955. These were followed by numerous works of sociology, psychology, and philosophy, which led (...)
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    Dialectic in xenophon’s Memorabilia: Responding to 4.6.William Henry Furness Altman - 2018 - Revista Guairacá de Filosofia 34 (2).
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    Historical spectrum of value theories.William Henry Werkmeister - 1970 - Lincoln, Neb.,: Johnsen Pub. Co..
    v. 1. The German language group.--v. 2. The Anglo-American group.
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  19.  27
    Hegelian ethics.William Henry Walsh - 1969 - New York: Garland.
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    Facets of Plato's philosophy.William Henry Werkmeister (ed.) - 1976 - Assen: Van Gorcum.
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    Kant's silent decade: a decade of philosophical development.William Henry Werkmeister - 1979 - Tallahassee: University Presses of Florida.
  22. Kant, Immanuel.William Henry Walsh - 1967 - In Paul Edwards, The Encyclopedia of philosophy. New York,: Macmillan. pp. 305-324.
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  23. The secret thrift of Thomas Paine.William Henry Burr - 1895 - [n.p.,:
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  24. Alpha-odors following defeat and cat odors influence defensive behavior.Jl Williams & Dk Scott - 1988 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 26 (6):510-510.
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    The Christian challenge to philosophy.William Henry Vincent Reade - 1951 - London,: S.P.C.K..
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    “Look Out for the Football Players and the Frat Boys”: Autoethnographic Reflections of a Gay Teacher in a Gay Curricular Experience.Scott William Gust - 2007 - Educational Studies 41 (1):43-60.
    The choice of a teacher to be ?out? in the classroom is perhaps unadvisable, possibly joyous, potentially disastrous, positively political, and just plain hard. For me, the choice to be out in the classroom has met with some consequences that do not match my expectations. This essay is an autoethnographic writing performance of my identity as a gay man and a teacher. To begin, I offer the narrative context in which I first approached the classroom as an openly gay teacher. (...)
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    Teaching John Dewey as a utopian pragmatist while learning from my students.William Henry Schubert - 2006 - Education and Culture 22 (1):78-83.
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    ... The religious philosophy of Vladimir Solovyev..William Henry Dunphy - 1939 - [Chicago]: University of Chicago Press.
  29. Retrospective on linguistic philosophy.William Henry Walsh - 1983 - Archives de Philosophie 46 (3):353-384.
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    Logic for living.Henry Horace Williams - 1951 - New York,: Philosophical Library.
  31.  14
    Inscriptions de Tarse.William Henry Waddington - 1883 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 7 (1):281-292.
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    Rousseau and Naturalism in Life and Thought.William Henry Hudson - 2019 - Wentworth Press.
    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work. This work is in the public domain (...)
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  33.  7
    Understanding Marxism: an approach through dialogue.William Henry Charles Eddy - 1979 - Totowa, N.J.: Rowman & Littlefield.
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    Philosophy and Medicine in Ancient Greece: With an Edition of Peri Archaiēs Iētrikēs.William Henry Samuel Jones - 1946 - Baltimore,: Arno Press. Edited by Hippocrates.
    SECTION I THE PRE-HIPPOCRATICS AND PLATO So far as is known Ionian philosophy was not connected with medicine in any way. It was, in fact, a thing apart, ...
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    Modern logic.Henry Horace Williams - 1927 - Chapel Hill, N.C.: Chapel Hill, N.C..
  36. The theory of relativity.William Henry Pickering - 1920 - [Northfield? Minn.,:
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    Origin of belief: toward a philosophy of life.Henry Horace Williams - 1978 - Chapel Hill: Horace Williams Philosophical Society. Edited by William Beidler.
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    Inscriptions grecques et latines de Cataonie.William Henry Waddington - 1883 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 7 (1):125-148.
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    Supplément aux Fastes de la province d'Asie.William Henry Waddington - 1882 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 6 (1):285-292.
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    The influence of Borden Parker Bowne upon theological thought in the Methodist Episcopal Church.William Henry Bernhardt - 1928 - [n. p.]:
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    Sins of trade and business, a sermon, by the hon. W.H. Lyttelton, and The morals of trade, by H. Spencer.William Henry Lyttelton & Herbert Spencer - 1874
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    (3 other versions)An introduction to philosophy of history.William Henry Walsh - 1951 - New York,: Hutchinson's University Library.
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  43. (1 other version)The Problem of Choice.William Henry Roberts - 1941 - Philosophical Review 50:651.
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    Intuitive perception.William Henry Hodge - 1903 - Lancaster, Penna.,: The Wickersham press.
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  45. An Introduction to the Philosophy of Herbert Spencer. Revised.William Henry Hudson - 1904 - Watts.
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    A philosophical analysis of particular ethical statements.William Henry Hay - 1942 - Urbana, Ill.,: Urbana, Ill..
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    Martin Heidegger on the Way.William Henry Werkmeister - 1996 - Rodopi.
    This guidebook provides an ideal entry-point for readers new to Heidegger, transforming it from a daunting task into an exciting and necessary challenge.
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    True and false in metaphysics.William Henry Walsh - 1959 - Torino,: Edizioni di "Filosofia".
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  49. The Evolution of Logic.Henry Horace Williams - 1927 - Annalen der Philosophie Und Philosophischen Kritik 6:74-74.
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    The Evolution of Logic.Henry Horace Williams - 1925 - Chapel Hill, NC, USA: The Author.
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